digitizArte is an interactive online platform for self-publishing, enabling artists, designers, musicians and all sorts of other creatives, to freely publish their works online and reach new audiences, in an unassuming and dedicated environment.
self-publish your art and music on digitizArte
Reach new, like-minded people in an ad-free, art & art-music-dedicated environment. Submit your works for publishing on digitizArte and join a different kind of user-generated platform.
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London’s Rising Star Sherwøød Makes Bold Statement with Debut Single “Pride”
Sherwøød, London’s rising multi-instrumentalist, artist, and producer, unveils his powerful debut single, “Pride”….
Quicche Returns With ‘Cyan II’ on R&S Records: A Resilient Tale Of Unrequited Love
Following the success of his singles “TAGIOG” and “White Teeth”, Quicche returns with…
Tatiana Ernuțeanu & OBEAH – Alter Ego & Alter Body
Tatiana Ernuțeanu și OBEAH Bucureci lansează o colaborare inedită de dub poetry și…
Denise Sherwood – Won’t Bow Down (Obeah & Petru Birladeanu Dem Bow Version)
Denise Sherwood is a musician with a distinctive voice in British music and…
Born Erase – I Am The End Of The World
I Am The End of The World is the first offering of Born Erased,…
Marius Costache & Obeah – Living In The Present
Some of my favorite albums in Romania and from Bulgaria are produced, mixed…
Alonso Mendez Feat Christie Nelson – Get Out Remixes [Underbite Records]
Martina Budde and Dante Tom help bring this dance club weapon into the…
Angel Lee Feat Hayley Smith – I Want (inc. Fossatti Remixes) [Fibre Records]
Iconic Leeds Venue ‘Bar Fibre’s’ in-house label ‘Fibre Records’ celebrates their fourth release….
Idoipe – Tañen Furo [Discos El Tragaluz]
This artist, originally from Zaragoza, has recently revealed not only his second full-length…
Deo Cadaver – Zombie Radio LP (1987/1993)
Swiss DJ and producer Christophe ‘Daze’ Dasen, professionally known as Plastique De Rêve,…
Alonso Mendez & Christie Nelson – ‘Get Out’ [Underbite Records]
Alonso Mendez & Christie Nelson – ‘Get Out’ [Underbite Records] Reuniting after their…
VA – MicrogardenDEEP VA006 selected by Vedran Komm
VA – MicrogardenDEEP VA006 selected by Vedran Komm for MGDVA06 we presents 5…
Romanian Street Art announces multidisciplinary art intervention by Delia Cîrstea and Kozo in Bucharest
[Citește în română] Romanian Street Art unveils multidisciplinary art intervention in Bucharest: a…
Interviu Ioana Țurcan, Cristiana Oprea și Ebru Bolat, curatoarea și protagonistele Princess: Warrior
Platforma digitală multimedia Princess: Warrior cu poveștile și perspectivele a două femei din…
Platforma Princess: Warrior
Princess: Warrior prezintă poveștile motivaționale a două sportive românce, Cristiana Oprea și Ebru…
Angelika Nikolaeva – that winter
When the war began, and leaving Russia wasn’t an option, I found solace…
Artiști, arhitecți și botaniști. Un paradis vegetal în inima unei aglomerări urbane
ECOLOGIILE GRIJII ȘI ÎNGRIJIRII Nicolae Comănescu, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Andreea Medar, Ana Maria…

news & events
BSBSA exhibition presents street art from Bulgaria, Serbia & Romania
[citește în Română] You are invited to discover the first BSBSA (Belgrade Sofia…
Romanian Street Art welcomes Tobias Barenthin Lindblad
[citește în română] Romanian Street Art welcomes Tobias Barenthin Lindblad, an author, editor, and culture…
Deciphering Streets Through Art, o nouă carte despre street art
[read in English] Editura Save or Cancel continuă activitatea de cercetare, cartare și…
Elevate Her @ Twisted Olives
Elevate Her te așteaptă pe 22 noiembrie la Twisted Olives Pe 22 noiembrie…
Save or Cancel anunță lansarea revistei „Artă în lucru, nr. 3”
[read in English] Al treilea număr al revistei „Artă în lucru” este disponibil…
Vernisajul expoziției Woman Scars la centrul Zi de Bine
Vineri, 8 noiembrie, la ora 18.00, va avea loc vernisajul expoziției Woman Scars…
Deadline extins: Apel deschis fotografie de street art | Deciphering streets through art
Apelul deschis își propune să premieze și să publice, în cartea Deciphering streets through art, trei fotografii care…
Artă în lucru, nr. 3 lansează apelul deschis pentru artă participativă
[read in English] Apelul deschis pentru revista “Artă în lucru”, aflat la a treia ediție,…
Încep înscrierile la “Ateliere și Tururi Un-hidden”
Proiectul “Ateliere și Tururi Un-hidden”, finanțat de Ministerul Culturii prin programul Acces 2024 –…
Eforie Sud. Șapte artiști deschid sezonul de „Artă (și ecologie) la Mal(ul Mării)”
O comunitate de artiști aduce un vis green culture la Eforie Sud, o…
Eforie Colorat. Regizori pe val și Artă la Mal
Eforie Colorat, powered by Kaufland România, propune peste 200 de evenimente, găzduite pe…
BSBSA hosts the first intervention created by Serbian artist Jana Danilović in Bucharest
The BSBSA project hosts the first art intervention in the series, created by…
learn how to self-publish your works online – online courses

self-publishing e-book
All the lessons are gathered in the self-publishing e-book guide for artists and musicians, published in Romanian, which you can download below.
digitizArte open call for visual arts and music
The digitizArte open call addressed creative people, inviting artists and musicians to submit their works in two categories.The open call was answered through 45 entries, 30 artworks & 15 tracks & dj sets, sent by artists from Romania, Italy and Portugal.
The jury was composed of David Sandu [Founder of Assamblage and Curator of Romanian Jewelry Week], Igloo, Primărie [Tzinah], Revista Atelierul & Save or Cancel, for the art section, who awarded 3 prizes. For the music category, the jury panel comprised Andrei Barbu [soundsphere], Cristi Cons [Amphia], Miss I [Misbits], Primărie [Tzinah] & Vlad Arapasu [Kontent], who awarded 3 prizes. The public vote, in which you were invited to participate, has selected and awarded an artwork, respectively, an audio composition.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all participants, jury members, voters, partners and supporters of the project, as well as congratulations to the winners.
The digitizArte cultural project is produced by Save or Cancel, co-financed by AFCN.
The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the program can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
About Save or Cancel
Since 2008, Save or Cancel is a medium of communication and propagation of arts and culture, facilitating their role in contemporary society.
Self-initiated multidisciplinary programs by Save or Cancel support the development of contemporary society by identifying opportunities for sustainable and adaptable (re) valorization of the existing, through cultural, editorial, architectural and design projects.