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Enrol in the 5 digitizArte free courses

learn how to self-publish your works online – online classes

digitizArte Atelier self-publishing / interviu Dragutesku

Virtual workshop I for the development of digital skills

guest: Dragutesku [DRG] –
2nd of September 2021, on
Module 1 – presentation of working methodology and online tools; specific digitization techniques, compatible with the characteristics of the works – format, dimensions, environment;
Module 2 – how to write, edit and publish online content: types of content; verification tools;
Module 3 – presentation of self-publishing platforms: vs.,; how you publish on and how you can customize your page.

The course is free, available in Romanian, expanded by a 15 minutes interview with Dragutesku.

digitizArte Atelier self-publishing / interviu Primarie

Virtual workshop II for the development of digital skills

guest: Primarie [Tzinah Records] –
September 2021, on
Module 1 – presentation of working methodology and online tools; specific digitization techniques, compatible with the characteristics of the works – format, dimensions, environment;
Module 2 – how to write, edit and publish online content: types of content; verification tools;
Module 3 – presentation of self-publishing platforms: vs.,,; how to manage an artist profile and how to publish your discography on the Discogs platform.

Virtual workshop III for the development of a portfolio website, created for independent artists and musicians

guest: Elvira LupÈ™a [] –
September 2021, on
Module 1 – how to create a portfolio using only WordPress and other free, open-source resources, such as the Neve theme, the jetpack plugin for creating and displaying pages that contain projects/works in the portfolio;
Module 2 – basics on how to secure your site against attacks using the free WordFence plugin; how to install and renew, in just four simple steps, an SSL certificate, using only free resources;
Module 3 – how to optimize your site for SEO recommendations to increase search engine relevance: initial settings;

Virtual workshop IV for defining your targeted audiences

guest: Daia Grigore
October 2021, on
how to define and activate new categories of audience in the virtual environment: audience basics; psycho-demographic profiling of audiences and activation methods, specific to different online environments; how to create content taking into account your audience’s preferences.

digitizArte atelier / interviu cu Vixi

Virtual workshop V for creating your content plan

guest: Vixi [Half is enough] –
October 2021, on
How to create and implement a content plan.