digitizArte invites artists to freely self-publish their works online and reach new audiences, in an unassuming and dedicated environment.
- enter the title of the work;
- sound URL – paste a link to your file hosted on soundcloud, bandcamp, youtube or other media sharing service;
- upload the cover image, maximum of 1mb, 2.560 px, 72 dpi; images smaller than 1.000 px in width may fail to upload;
- write the description of the sound; include release notes, statement, bio, credits; format your text using the heading, quote, hyperlink, etc. options available in the editor; there is no limit on the text length;
- (optional) add more images, if needed, using the “insert photo” button;
- (optional) embed other media by pasting in the description, where you want you video/audio to appear, the url to a file hosted on youtube, vimeo, soundcloud, spotify, etc.
- [optional] fill in the sound details – artist/s, title, label, catalogue number, genre, release date, format, written / produced by, mastered by, artwork / design by, distributed by, words by.