digitizArte ART awards
1st place
Solve..@..Coagula – waterdrop SUN
Artist: Solve..@..Coagula
Technically, the music and video all done on the iphone in the course of a few hours using filmed and internally generated footage, there was no video editing in the sense of cut as i used a video mixer that switches between different videos in tandem with the beat.
I like the fact that the fast flickers induce a sort of morph between the waterdrop falling and the sunlight coming from behind the curtains and various other orifices. There is a momentarily imperceptible and very smooth gradual evolution of the abstract image in the background, punctuated by the water and lights snippets. enjoy !
2nd place
Buruiană Teodor – “The Sensibility of Silence” / “Sensibilitatea tăcerii”
Artist: Buruiană Teodor
Starting from a printing technique related to the subject of marine life we developed the concept of the project, entitled Sensitivity of Silence, which brings into an independent space a meditative atmosphere and liberation from any accumulation of feelings or words that could not be said to anyone.
Pornind de la o tehnică de imprimare legată de subiectul vietăților marine am dezvoltat conceptul proiectului de diplomă, intitulat Sensibilitatea tăcerii, ce aduce într-un spațiu independent atmosfera meditativă și eliberare de orice cumul de sentimente sau cuvinte ce nu au putut fi spuse cuiva.
3rd place
Francesca Badea – Muse
Artist: Francesca Badea
Colecția mea de lucrări numită Muse reprezintă o călătorie în subconștientul uman, o călătorie plină de emoții, iluzii și speranțe.
Pe parcursul acestei călătorii protagonistul îşi pierde speranţa, îşi pierde încrederea în sine şi decide să devină o maşinărie fără sentimente.
În momentul în care alege să nu mai fie conectat cu sentimentele sale, călătoria începe.
Astfel, pe parcusul drumului, protagonistul este manipulat şi abuzat acest lucru reprezintă o consecinţă firească apărută din cauza detaşării de emoţiile sale.

audience award
Mid Studio – Concentric Series #1
Artist: Mid Studio
Artist bio: MID Studio is the personal project of Tânia Filipa, a very recognizable Graphic Designer and Webdesigner based in Lisbon, Portugal.
Her work embodies her abstract vision. The main influence present in all projects is minimal art. Simple, objective and catchy.
Her approach is very striking and bold creating a beautiful outcome that combines an extremely strong and formal reduction in the use of neutral colors based products. Lines, circles, triangles and squares are always part of the process, the beauty on simple elements it’s what she stands for.
Portfolio URL: https://midstudio.pt

Concentric / adjective – of or denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes which share the same centre, the larger often completely surrounding the smaller. Designed by Mid Studio, 2021. Concentric / adjective – of or denoting circles, arcs, or other shapes which share the same centre, the larger often completely surrounding the smaller. Designed by Mid Studio, 2021.
digitizArte MUSIC awards
1st place
Artists: Telematik, Rowan, Nicolas Barnes, Zenniv, Laumee, James Reid, Soltanum, Sfetan, OutsiDER, DEsire, Cristina Ganea
A special selection of 10 talented artists from around the world, expressing themselves in their own language; transmitting that music it’s a universal language where feelings can be heard.
2nd place
Artist: Edelovic
An arrangement of random sounds and emotions that have the role of transposing the listener to a state of happiness, introspection, contentment and light-heartedness.
3rd place ex-aequo
Anddie – Under
Artist: Anddie
This track was released earlier this year under a free download series, “Deep Water”, on Apneea label.
3rd place ex-aequo
solve..@..coagula – the speed of desire the horizon of the calculation industry
Artist: solve..@..coagula
no computers used. it is a live jam on a groovebox, slowly and intricately morphing almost unperceptibly through the span of half an hour and reaching points very different from those preceding, yet doing this extremely subtly, fluidly and discretely.
audience award
Stricy – Down the line
Artist: Stricy
Down the line is more EDM. You just want to spend it to the fullest. The arrangement and layering with multiple sounds makes the song very energetic and full. You can already imagine what the atmosphere would be like at a festival or a beach party. Just listen and enjoy Down the line. It’s party time!
about the digitizArte open call for contributions: visual arts and music
The open call was answered through 45 entries (30 artworks & 15 tracks & dj sets) sent by artists from Romania, Italy and Portugal.
The jury who deliberated is composed of David Sandu [Founder of Assamblage and Curator of Romanian Jewelry Week], Igloo, Primărie [Tzinah], Revista Atelierul & Save or Cancel, for the art section. For the music category, the jury panel comprised Andrei Barbu [soundsphere], Cristi Cons [Amphia], Miss I [Misbits], Primărie [Tzinah] & Vlad Arapasu [Kontent]. The public vote, in which you were invited to participate, has selected and awarded an artwork, respectively, an audio composition.
The Open Call is organized by Save or Cancel, co-financed by AFCN, and is part of the cultural project “digitizArte”.
Media partners: Igloo, Zeppelin, The Institute, IQads, Assamblage, Revista Atelierul
Co-financed by AFCN
The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the program can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
About Save or Cancel
Since 2008, Save or Cancel is a medium of communication and propagation of arts and culture, facilitating their role in the contemporary society.
Self-initiated multidisciplinary programs by Save or Cancel support the development of the contemporary society by identifying opportunities for sustainable and adaptable (re) valorization of the existing, through cultural, editorial, architecture and design projects.