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Alina Uşurelu & Lala Mişosniky – LADY DANCE

Nowadays, while experiencing global changes, dance becomes an ephemeral entity, that travels amongst the closed windows of lockdown, watching from the outside the choreography of daily human rituals. This entity, called Lady Dance, is present from the outside but also from within the human body, observing the affects and effects of movement. It can be seen as ephemeral and volatile, as dancing during a time in which the entire world is absorbed by stillness. A time in which society’s well defined chores and to do lists are paused, Lady Dance bursts as a necessity from within, as a thirst for celebrating movement, a sort of aliveness and dynamic reached from the entangled roots of human wishes, feelings and passions. In a world filled with technology appliances, Lady Dance teaches us to find the steps within our inner nature. Lady Dance is creating a ritual that aims to crash the boundaries of separation, blending reality with imaginary, looking for togetherness in these alienated times. The inner worlds transform each other using intuitive listening and active openness. The visual dimension reflects this intuitive contamination of inner realities, mixing layers of distances in which the closeness with nature reveals imaginary surreal visions. Lady Dance is a sound and video installation/ poetry film by Lala & Eza.

  • Alina Uşurelu & Lala Mişosniky
  • „Artistă multimedia. Folosesc imaginea, corpul şi vocea ca să deschid uşi către lumi nevăzute. Îmi caut mereu aparatul de fotografiat în vise atunci când descopăr imagini pe care vreau să mi le amintesc şi îmi place să blurez graniţele dintre medii. Am descoperit un alt eu pe care o cheamă EZA. Ea îşi ascultă mereu intuiţia şi crede în magie.”


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