Here is the long-awaited moment. It is time to announce the winners of the digitizArte open call. The open call was answered through 45 entries (30 artworks & 15 tracks & dj sets) sent by artists from Romania, Italy and Portugal.
The jury who deliberated is composed of David Sandu [Founder of Assamblage and Curator of Romanian Jewelry Week], Igloo, Primărie [Tzinah], Revista Atelierul & Save or Cancel, for the art section. For the music category, the jury panel comprised Andrei Barbu [soundsphere], Cristi Cons [Amphia], Miss I [Misbits], Primărie [Tzinah] & Vlad Arapasu [Kontent]. The public vote, in which you were invited to participate, has selected and awarded an artwork, respectively, an audio composition.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all participants, jury members, voters, partners and supporters of the project, as well as congratulations to the winners.
Scroll down the article to discover the results.
The jury’s selections and comments, if any
David Sandu – Founder of Assamblage and Curator of Romanian Jewelry Week
1. Francesca Badea – Muse
2. Giada Rotundo – Bubbles (2020). Oil on canvas, 50×50 cm
3. Adistu – Fractal Bling-Bling #2
4. Mid Studio – Concentric Series #1
5. Adistu (featuring Oana Micu) – Children of the Bulb
1. Mid Studio – Concentric Series #1
Întreaga serie mi s-a părut foarte bună – pentru designul limpede & acuratețea ideii totodată.
2. Akt Lin & – If you blink you will miss it
Nu neapărat originală, dar funcționează bine ca video & sound installation, creează spațiu, atmosferă.
3. Solve..@..Coagula – waterdrop SUN
Mi-a plăcut ideea simplă de a experimenta cu mijloace limitate/banale.
4. Giada Rotundo – Linda in the garden
Interesantă lucrarea prin ambiguitatea expresiei personajului, a întregului cadru; nu văd acolo atât delicatețe și „fairytale atmosphere”, cât o stare de transă și abandon/absență.
5. Giada Rotundo – Bubbles / Francesca Badea – Muse
Primarie – Tzinah
1. Solve..@..Coagula – Waterdrop sun
2. Buruiana Teodor – Sensibilitatea tăcerii
3. Happy Heart – Abhaya 2021
4. Blue Olive – Nebula
5. Madalina Mihailovici – the unseen. Densities
Revista Atelierul
1. Buruiana Teodor – Sensibilitatea tăcerii
Mai întâi mi-a atras atenția numele lucrării, și ulterior maniera în care artistul a creat o senzația insolită întregului video. Mi-ar plăcea să văd lucrare expusă într-un black box, într-un spațiu de consum de cultură.
2. Solve..@..Coagula
Este una dintre acele lucrări video care te atrage prin jocul de lumini, prin muzica integrată perfect, și vrei să afli mai multe detalii despre subiectul lucrării cu fiecare secvență.
3. Francesca Badea – Muse
Perspectiva lucrării este cea care mi-a atras atenția, iar modul în care muzele reprezintă o călătorie în subconștient fac ca opera de artă să se dezvăluie privitorilor. Este o perspectivă interesantă asupra muzelor contemporane.
4. Adistu – Fractal Bling-Bling #2
Universul ludic și suprarelist creat de Adistu prin mixarea de geometrie fractală și patternuri organice a suprins foarte bine metafora universului matematic al gândurilor. Titlul “Fractal Bling Bling #2” din punctul meu de vedere vine în sprijinul lucrării, oferindu-i o notă de insolit artistic contemporan.
5. Alina Ușurelu, Cosmin Manolescu, Lala Mișosniky – Body – past. present. Future
Un poem video în alb negru și culori care redă conceptul de fragilitate. Este un poem adus corpului – corp definit pe rând ca o nouă formă de limbaj, o graniță, o conexiune, un nor, o insula și un teritoriu. Bineînțeles că dacă veți audia întregul video veți descoperi și alte definiții oferite trupului.
Save or Cancel
1. Alina Uşurelu & Lala Mişosniky – string figures like stories
2. Giada Rotundo – Linda in the garden
3. Adistu – Fractal Bling-Bling #2
4. Buruiană Teodor – “The Sensibility of Silence” / “Sensibilitatea tăcerii”
5. Mid Studio – Concentric Series #1
Here are the results:

1st Place: Solve..@..Coagula – waterdrop SUN
– 600 lei
2nd Place: Buruiană Teodor – “The Sensibility of Silence”
– 500 lei
3rd Place: Francesca Badea – Muse
– 400 lei
4th Place (public vote): Mid Studio – Concentric Series #1
– 300 lei
The jury’s selections and comments, if any
Andrei Barbu [soundsphere]
1. UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE Chapter I VA 002 / Concept UK
Such a beautiful compilation! Deep atmospheric compositions that can make you daydream and start moving your body in seconds at the same time!
2. Edelovic
The three tracks flow smoothly, revealing a solid uptempo vibe that explores various shades of techno and progressive rhythms flavoured with carefully crafted arrangements, twisted effects and ever-evolving narratives.
3. George Allen – The innerself trip
The mix is perfect to warm you up for a special introspective journey, going through various musical genres that twist and turn while delivering a strong message.
4. solve..@..coagula – the speed of desire the horizon of the calculation industry
A sonic tapestry of glitched signals blended with warm chords, distorted layers and uncanny modulations ~ the kind of sound you would hear when experimenting with the very vibrations of spacetime through electric circuits.
5. Barbato & Nistor – Still Frustration
Dive into a concrete soundscape, through the looking glass and beyond!
Cristi Cons [Amphia]
1. Anddie – Under
Bună ideea și zona abordată, nu sunt mulți producători de dub în România. Mixul de asemenea sună bine, e ceva ce aș pune într-un podcast.
2. Barbato & Nistor
Nu-mi dau seama dacă este un mix sau un patch modular pe care l-au modificat drastic, dar e bună muzica.
3. Edelovic (Rain)
De asemenea bine lucrată piesa, îmi place și direcția muzicală.
5. Hiper. diy,A – HDA 001
Bine lucrate piesele, chiar dacă nu ascult genul pot aprecia skill-ul de producție.
5. George Allen – The innerself trip
Bună selecția, păcat că pune de pe consola…
Miss I [Misbits]
1. Cristian Nistor – Demented telefono
This track is quite complex. I like the construction but I think a bit more bass could work. Probably is not mastered… In any case, I think it has potential. 🙂
2. solve..@..coagula – the speed of desire the horizon of the calculation industry
Ambient and experimental vibes have their own moment. I think without them you cannot create and complete an event.
3. Anddie – Under
This is a correct deep-house with dub techno influences in my opinion.
4. Anddie – Lost in thinking
5. George Allen – The innerself trip
I really like this guy’s selection. The only thing that I have to object to is the laptop 🙂
Primarie [Tzinah]
1. Edelovic (Rain)
3. Anddie – Lost in thinking
4. Stricy – Goodbye
5. George Allen – The innerself trip
Vlad Arapașu [Kontent]
1. Solve..@..coagula – the speed of desire the horizon of the calculation industry
3. Anddie – Under
4. Edelovic – Rain Over Italy
5. Rowan – Sinergia
Here are the results:

1st Place: UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE Chapter I VA 002
– 600 lei
2nd Place: Edelovic
– 500 lei
3rd Place: Anddie – Under
– 400 lei
3rd Place: solve..@..coagula – the speed of desire the horizon of the calculation industry
– 400 lei
4th Place (public vote): Stricy – Down the line
– 300 lei
coming soon: digitizarte awards exhibition, online
digitizArte aims to become an interactive online platform for self-publishing, launching and promoting for creatives, composed of, but not limited to, artists, architects, designers, graphic designers and musicians.
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digitizArte facebook
Project produced by Save or Cancel
Distributed by
Media partners: Igloo, Zeppelin, The Institute, IQads, Assamblage, Revista Atelierul
Co-financed by AFCN
The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the program can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
About Save or Cancel
Since 2008, Save or Cancel is a medium of communication and propagation of arts and culture, facilitating their role in contemporary society.
Self-initiated multidisciplinary programs by Save or Cancel support the development of the contemporary society by identifying opportunities for sustainable and adaptable (re) valorization of the existing, through cultural, editorial, architecture and design projects.
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